tips & tricks – perform your network with BBB Johannes Deimling

geschrieben von am 21. Januar 2010


Performance Seminar 19. –21. March 2010 in Hildesheim, Germany

The aim of this three days workshop is to give an insight into and provide a kind of ‘Starterkit’ for the world wide Live Art Network and is thus especially addressed at young and emerging Live Art artists.

Especially for experimental Live Art, the established art market is usually seen as … weiterlesen →

PAS – Performance Art Studies 2010 in Killeshandra, Ireland

geschrieben von am 21. Januar 2010


From 7. – 16. May 2010 PAS – Performance Art Studies will take place in Ireland, in Killeshandra, Cavan county with the topic „territories“.

Animals within their territories don’t know about walls, barricades or barbwires, their living grounds are often simply marked by their own smells. Human territores become more complicated, we need passports, money, flags, national identities and uniforms. … weiterlesen →


geschrieben von am 13. Januar 2010

Extension aims to create a Performance network, in order to promote the critical and theoretical discourse on Performance Art and to widen the understanding of this relatively young media through active dialogue between artists, critics and audience. Extension is a Performance Art plattform in Berlin presenting international emerging artists. It offers space, infrastructure and time for invited artists to develop … weiterlesen →


geschrieben von am 8. Januar 2010

7 for the price of 1

Accumulating Value – 7 for the Price of 1
Messianic Research Centre for Visual Ethics & Johnny Amore

Performance series in German and Holland in 2010
In 2010, the MRCVE Artists Group and German fine art photographer Johnny Amore will travel through Central Europe from Berlin to the shores of the North Sea in Rotterdam, and do seven public performances. … weiterlesen →

signature von Alexandra Gneissl

geschrieben von am 25. Oktober 2009


Foto: Madeleine Boschan

Die Performance signature fand während der Berliner Kunstmessen Art Forum, Preview und Kunstsalon 2009 statt.


Ich begegne Menschen auf einer Kunstmesse. Einzelne Personen spreche ich an und frage:

Sind Sie/ Bist Du Künstler/in ?

Sind Sie Galerist/in ?

Sind Sie Sammler/in ?

Dann frage ich:

Bekomme ich Ihre Signatur?

Manche schauen erst einmal fragend, andere entdecken … weiterlesen →