The first PORT PERFORMANCE ART WORKSHOP took place in Gdańsk in Poland in August 2006. The second was realized in Tallinn and Pärnu in Estonia in January 2007 (documentations of these workshops you can find on our homepage www.portperformance.net).
The third workshop we offer in our home port in Poland. The two cities at the baltic sea connects an interesting duality. Gdańsk with its traditional and historical meanings on the one side and on the other side Gdynia as a young and dynamic community. Two towns, two faces. But both base their existence on the relation to the sea with ports, ships, shipyards and fishings. An interesting field for our performative researches between contrast and balance.
The workshop will be given by the international Performance-artists and –teachers Angelika Fojtuch and BBB Johannes Deimling. The aim of the workshop is to work out an Art-Performance and its final public presentation. We will realize specifical excercises that will help to transform own ideas into a performative work. The center of the workshop focuses the perception of the own personality and the communication with the body. Own perception and selfexperiences characterize the feeling in dealing with body, time and space in performance art as well as in ordinary communication. To understand his body as a tool and to use this tool in his own communications is the main value of this workshop. Besides this artistical offer we give some cultural specials.
PORT PERFORMANCE is a forum for Performance Art that wants to mediate the experiences with borders. The port, a place between the elements water and land. Goods will be shipped from the land over the sea to other countires and other goods are coming through the port back into the land.
A constant exchange between goods and persons, a daily in- and export of values.
Art Performance is a similar place. The port is the human body itself, that exchanges his inside values with the outside world. Communication take place.
PORT PERFORMANCE conects Performance Art with education, traveling and meeting to a special form of teaching Art in context.
We offer:
– to develope an Art Performance with technical, pedagogical and artistical guidance
– performative excercises in various conditions, in- and outdoor (focus on: body, time, space, concentration, endurance, … in groups and individual)
– final public presentation of the performance (media promotion and invitation card) and finishing celebration
– videodocumentation of the workshop (DVD, personal exemplar)
– contacts to polish artitsts, curators and art institutions
– documentation on PORT PERFORMANCE website
– to get known of and cooperate with other like-minded people from other countries
– context of the place, specifics of the port cities Gdańsk and Gdynia, polish history and culture
– free accodomation in Gdańsk (ten days)
– helping in booking the travel (searching for cheap flights and connections by train or bus)
– teaching language: english
– timetable: 16.05.2007 Arrival in Gdańsk, first meeting
17.05.-24.05.2007 Workshop with exercises and further activities in Gdańsk and Gdynia
25.05.2007 Public presentation CUMA #3 in Łaznia, Center for Contemporary Art, Gdańsk
26.05.2007 Finish and departure from Gdańsk
– Price: (without travel and victuals) 250,-€ (410 CHF, 4000 EEK, 1000 PLN, 330 USD)
– The workshop will be advertised in various european countries and is open for all young peoples and young performers and art students (minimum age 18 years).
– The workshop take place at least with 8 participants. If there are more than 20 people we will work in two groups.
– Applicationforms can be ordered by e-mail info@portperformance.net or by telephone 0048 – 667759720, 0048 – 607206416
– Deadline for applications 1st of May 2007