verum corpus
Herzliche Einladung zur Ausstellungseröffnung VERUM CORPUS
Neue photographische Produktionen
Eröffnung: Freitag, 5. Dezember 20.15 Uhr
6. bis 7. Dezember 2014 | 12-18 Uhr
Haus 1 im Anscharpark (1. Stock) | Weimarer Str. 8 | Kiel-Wik
Alexandra Gneissl verbindet in ihrer Photographie performative und skulpturale Aspekte des Körpers mit den Strategien der Mimikry. Der natürliche Bewegungsfluss und das den Körper umhüllende und schützende Gewebe, werden mithilfe inszenierter Bildverfahren zu eingefrorenen Momentaufnahmen. Geradezu ikonenhaft scheint ein jahrhundertealtes Wissen über die Wahrheit und Verletzlichkeit des Körperlichen gespeichert und gesichert.
Alexandra Gneissl (*Heilbronn, Kiel/Berlin) gehört zu den international arbeitenden Performancekünstlerinnen und -kuratorinnen in Schleswig-Holstein. Sie hat u.a. bei Marina Abramović an der HBK Braunschweig, an der Muthesius Kunsthochschule bei Prof. Thomas Wörgötter und an der HdK Berlin bei Rebecca Horn studiert. Ihre künstlerischen Herangehensweisen sind gattungsübergreifend: sie bedient sich gleichermaßen performativer, skulpturaler, malerischer wie medialer Verfahren.
Alexandra Gneissl war seit 2003 in Ausstellungen u.a. in Berlin bei Glück gehabt, NGBK Berlin, Berliner Untergrund U8, bei im|materiell,tmp 5/2, der Fraktale VI im Palast der Republik sowie in Köln im Rahmen der Gesellschafter ART.AWARD 08, Art Fair 21 vertreten. Durch ihre künstlerische wie kuratorische Mitwirkung an zahlreichen internationalen Performance Festivals in Vitoria (Brasilien), Szczecin, Poznan und Krakau (Polen), Bishkek (Kirgisistan), Tallin (Lettland) ist es ihr gelungen, Schleswig-Holstein im Netzwerk der Performanceszene zu verankern; u.a. durch die Gründung und Organisation des Salzauer Performance Festivals 2005/2006. In Kiel war sie mit ihren Inszenierten Photographien in diesem Jahr u.a. bei Take Marake mit der Ausstellung Dame Springer Bauer, beiumtrieb Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst sowie im Kunstraum B mit der Performance feel free come in drink zu sehen.
Die Verkaufsausstellung richtet sich an Sammler zeitgenössischer und performativer Kunst sowie „Postfotografie“. Der Werkzyklusverum corpus gehört zu den jüngsten Produktionen der Künstlerin.
18. März 2019 um 10:54
Thanks for stopping by my page! I’m Victoria.
Even though I jokingly credit my aunt for my writing talent, I know that it is a skill I have fostered from childhood. Though my mother is a writer, I also started out young.
I’ve always had a way with words, according to my favorite educator. I was always so excited in science when we had to do a research writing assignment.
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Victoria Patton – Academic Writing Professional – A2zcareers Band
22. Juli 2019 um 13:08
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Academic Writer – Lynsey – Iseet-Papers Corps
28. Oktober 2019 um 10:56
Hi guys, it’s Ahelly here!
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Ever since school, I have continued to work as an academic writer. I was hired by a writing company based in the United Kingdom. Since then, the dissertations that I have written have been sold around Europe and the United States.
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Professional Writer – Ahelly – – Homeownereducationnetwork Corps
18. November 2019 um 10:20
Hello All
Thanks for checking out my about page. My name is Simona Ortega.
I have worked since high school in this niche. My interest in writing started at a young age. I wrote journaled as a child and eventually went on to work with my school newspaper.
This early tryst into journalism eventually led me to academic writing. There is plenty of work for skilled writers. I specialize in essays, but have the skills to do all types of academic writing.
Email me for more information about rates and a price quote. I’m looking forward to helping you.
Academic Writer – Simona Ortega – Transatlanticstudies Company
27. April 2020 um 10:36
Welcome to my blog ! I’m Kobie.
Even though I jokingly credit my aunt for my writing talent, I know that it is a skill I have fostered from childhood. Though my aunt is a writer, I also started out young.
I’ve always had a way with words, according to my favorite professor . I was always so excited in history when we had to do a research assignment .
Now, I help current students achieve the grades that have always come easily to me. It is my way of giving back to students because I understand the obstacles they must overcome to graduate.
Kobie – Academic Writing Professional – baileyanderson/writemyessay.todayCorp
17. Juni 2020 um 10:41
Welcome to my blog ! I’m Keiren Broadhurst.
Even though I jokingly credit my aunt for my writing talent, I know that it is a ability I have fostered from childhood. Though my mother is a writer, I also started out young.
I’ve always had a way with words, according to my favorite educator. I was always so excited in history when we had to do a research assignment .
Now, I help current learners achieve the grades that have always come easily to me. It is my way of giving back to communities because I understand the obstacles they must overcome to graduate.
Keiren – Academic Writer – Team
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