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Gneissl, Alexandra

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Duration: 14 minutes
September 2005 | communstic theater / Poland / Krakau
Material: pair of military boots, wooden ground

I am standing in a basement in the former Electronic Technical University in Krakau, now a Community Theater. The stage a construction of wood, under my feet, plywood boards and below only empty space. Above my head, attached to the ceiling hangs a flashlight emmiting a week illumination. The remainder of space lies in darkness. I wear military boots . Slowly I begin to march. The wooden flooring and the space below act as a „Klangkörper“ ( sound body ). My march echoes through the building. With the increasing thunder of my steps eching through the floors above, the association to the rolling of bull dozers or tanks is obvious. The room becomes eerie space,threatening and ominous. I feel the violence of my step through my entire body. I change my pace becoming quiter, slower, a light dance, even a tap dance step, walking lightens the atmosphere. At the end of my performance building to thunder once more. Then it is over, I switch the flashlight off. Darkness.

I developed this performance one day after my first visit of Ausschwitz. Unable to illustrate my experience in words, my performance expressed my feelings of helplessness, shame and powerlessness, giving a form to my emotions.

golden shower
Duration: 13 Minuten
25.11.2004 | Art Museum Kiel
Material : 7,5 litres of gold oil paint, shower installation, silver skirt, silver shoes

Under the ceiling is a black canister which is attached to a shower installation. I open the valve. The goldstream begins. 7,5 litres of golden oil paint will now flow slowly over me. My gold-gilding takes place. The gold pours over my closed eyes, mouth and ears. The performance shows the ambivalence in process of reaching to a higher status or instance. There is a possibility of damaging my vision or the subtle threatening suffocation through the increased closing of the pores of my skin. With the higher aesthetical quality is also a painful moment to this work, experienced by the spectator, which sinks into the memory deeply.

  in between
Duration: 2,5 hour
June 17th 2004 | Promenade of Kiel
Group Performance with 23 people

23 people march during the 'Kieler Woche' over several hours in a massive and undividable block along the Kiel Promenade. The result, some spectators are amused, others somewhat irritated. The gregarious atmosphere in the unity of this marching and rhythmic troup causes happy and elated yells. Curiosity and obvious supressed behaviour, misunderstanding and rising agression. The whole band-width of 'Good and Evil' emotions manifests itself amongst the spectators. Thanks to 22 wide awake fellow travellers!


*09.01.1970 in Heilbronn | Germany

1989 Abitur in Heilbronn
1989 – 1999 Malerei, Ateliergemeinschaft in Berlin-Kreuzberg und Mitte
2000 – 2005 Studium an der Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Fachklasse für Neue Medien bei Prof.Thomas Wörgotter und Ralf Weissleder
2005 Diplom in Medien und Performance Kunst

selected Performances

in 64 min zeit - Performance zur Verräumlichung von Zeit,
Jahresausstellung Muthesius-Hochschule
mission impossible – auf dem Weg zu Marina Abramovic,
Perfomance über das Reisen, HfbK Braunschweig
wheelchair - 7 Jahre Projektkunst bei Prof.Hannes Brunner,
Landeskulturzentrum Salzau
artist is present - Brockmannpreis der Stadtgalerie Kiel,
Kooperation mit Clemens Austen

einearthochzeit - 4 monatige Kooperative mit Kollege Willy über Liebe und Künstlernamen
flüchtig – Sitzperformance mit Patrick Gaden
ich will – Live Performance, open class von Marina Abramovic
ich will – Videoperformance, Hochzeitskapelle an der B76
weinen - 6 Personen Performance im Park
Schwarze Recherche – Identitätenwechsel, Dauerperformance um
die Bedeutung der Farbe Schwarz, noch nicht abgeschlossen !
dazwischen – Gruppenperformance mit 23 Personen, künstlerische
Intervention auf der Kieler Woche, Konzept und Durchführung
Sysiphos – Performance mit Frauke Frech, Kieler Ateliertage
golden shower – Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Festakt zu Statuserweiterung der Muthesius Kunsthochschule

Gründerin und Veranstalterin des 1. Performance FestivalSchleswig-Holstein im Landeskulturzentrum Salzau mit 30 jungen PerformancekünstlerInnen
hinter der Kulisse - Festivalperformance Salzau, ortsgebunden
geist der zeit von 1795-2005 – historische Arbeit in Kostümen für
7 Personen, Konzept und Realisierung
base - profunde Performance nach meinem ersten Besuch im
Konzentrationslager von Auschwitz; 13. Performance Festival
Castle of Imagination, Polen; ortsgebunden, akkustisch
gut&günstig - Eröffnungsperformance im ehemaligen Hühnerstall von Salzau, dt.- dän. Künstlersymposium
black rain – aus der Reihe der Shower Performances zum Thema Tod, FraktaleVI / Palast der Republik, Berlin

Veranstaltungsmanagment und künstl. Leitung 2. Performance Festivals SPRINGFLUTEN vom 10.-12. Juni auf Schloss Salzau